How to become a ui ux designer with no experience?

If you're drawn to the role of a UI UX designer but lack formal education or experience in the field - don't lose hope! This guide is here to help you transform your passion for design into a rewarding career.

Over 70% of hiring managers in tech industries consider UX design a top priority.

Stepping into the dynamic world of tech, user experience (UX) design plays a significant role in creating digital platforms that resonate with users. If you're drawn to the role of a UI UX designer but lack formal education or experience in the field - don't lose hope! This guide is here to help you transform your passion for design into a rewarding career. So, let's delve into the heart of UX design and outline the steps you need to kickstart your journey in this vibrant field.

What Does a UX Designer Do?

UX designers play a critical role in making digital products easier and more enjoyable to use. Their responsibilities involve understanding user needs, devising designs for digital interfaces, and collaborating with other teams to bring these designs to life. In essence, UX designers are dedicated to making technology more user-friendly.

Can You Become a UX Designer Without Completing a Formal Education?

Great news! You don't need a formal education to start a career in UX design. While having a degree in something like graphic design can help, it's not a must. In the UX design world, your skills, creativity, and your portfolio matter more than a degree. Many successful UX designers didn't start with formal training. Instead, they focused on gaining real-world experience and building a strong portfolio.

UI/UX designers earn an average salary of $85,277 per year in the United States.

Can Other Professions Switch Careers and Get a Job in UX?

Absolutely! UX design welcomes individuals from diverse professional backgrounds. Whether you are currently working in marketing, engineering, or any other field, a transition to UX design is feasible.

Many skills from your current profession, such as problem-solving, communication, and analytical thinking, are transferable to UX design. The key lies in showcasing these transferable skills and gaining proficiency in UX-specific tools and methodologies.

How to Become a UX Designer with No Experience

Take a UX Design Course

Start your journey by signing up for a UX design course online. There are courses for all levels that teach basic design principles, user research, and prototype creation. This organized learning gives you a strong base and introduces you to tools used in the industry.

Create Some Designs Independently

Begin improving your abilities by tackling personal design tasks. Pick a problem to address or a product to revamp using the concepts you've studied. This practical experience is highly beneficial and will greatly enhance your portfolio. Feel free to try out various design styles and methods during this period.

Get Some Hands-On Experience

Look for practical experience by joining internships, doing freelance jobs, or partnering with others. You can support local businesses, non-profit organizations, or start-ups that need design help. These real-world jobs will boost your abilities and give you real examples for your portfolio.

Create a Portfolio

Your portfolio is like a visual CV and it's really important for getting a UX design job. Show off what you've done, including everything from spotting a problem to finding out how to fix it. Put in case studies that show off how you solve problems, your design thinking, and how your work makes the user experience better.


Making connections can be a big help in moving your career forward. Go to local events, join online groups, and make friends with people who are already UX designers. These relationships can lead to mentors, team projects, and job chances. Show your portfolio to the people you know to get helpful advice and make your name known when you're looking for jobs.

Complete a Bootcamp

Think about joining a UX design bootcamp. These are focused and fast-paced training programs meant to give you the essential skills to start working quickly. Even though they can be demanding, they offer hands-on training and are often taught by experts in the field.

Get a Certification

Getting a UX design certification can boost your reputation and show dedication to the field. Certifications from well-known groups confirm your abilities, making you more appealing to potential employers.

Gain UX Experience

Keep gaining real-world experience by participating in various projects. Try to work with developers, product managers, and others. The more diverse your experience, the better you'll be at handling different UX design tasks.

Promote Your Skills

Create your own brand by sharing your skills on professional sites like LinkedIn or Behance. Post design tips, the latest trends, and your design steps on your blog or social media. Job recruiters like when job applicants show they love learning and participating in the design community.

Apply to UX Designer Jobs

When you're ready and have a good portfolio, begin applying for beginner UX designer jobs. Make sure your resume and cover letter emphasize your relevant abilities and experiences. Keep looking for a job and be welcoming to advice - you can learn a lot even just from the job application process.

Choosing Your Education Path for UI Design: A Roadmap to Your First Job

Starting a UI design career needs careful planning, especially when it comes to learning. There are several paths you can take - formal studies in a university, teaching yourself, or a combination of resources. Your first step towards becoming a UI designer is getting the right education. Let's look at these options, focusing on the value of a design degree, honing your UX skills, perfecting visual design and staying up-to-date with the latest design changes.

  • University: Studying design at a university gives you a well-rounded understanding. They have programs that focus on UI design, offering lessons on design rules to user experience. A degree isn't just an official credential, it also introduces you to varied learning situations, teamwork, and advice from knowledgeable teachers.

  • Self-Directed Learning: If you enjoy learning at your own pace and focusing on your interests, online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare have UI design courses. These let you shape your own learning path and concentrate on parts of UI design that match your career aims.

  • Self-Directed Platforms: Start learning tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. These are important for UI designers. They often come with guides and tutorials. Practicing with these tools can enhance your abilities and confidence in creating effective and visually pleasing user interfaces.

  • Books: Books are a great way to learn more about UI design. Buy books written by experts in the field. Look for books about design principles, user experience, and visual design. Reading these books can help you understand the main ideas that make a good UI design.

  • Magazines and Blogs: Stay updated with industry trends and learn from experienced UI designers by consistently reading design magazines and blogs. Resources such as Smashing Magazine, A List Apart, and UX Design Institute provide articles, case studies, and guides. Interacting with these sources not only keeps you informed but encourages continuous learning.

Picking your education path wisely can pave your way into the UI design industry. As you start this journey, remember the vital terms that will assist you in landing your initial UI design job.

5 Entry-Level UX Designer Jobs You Can Get Without Experience

Junior UX Design Job

In the early stages as a UX designer, your job is to work with experienced designers and team members. You'll help with the design process. This includes making basic design layouts, studying user needs, and improving designs based on the suggestions you get.

UX Specialist

A UX specialist takes care of a specific part of the UX design process, like researching user needs or organizing information. In this role, you can learn more about a specific area while collaborating with a wider design team.

Interaction Designer

Interaction designers focus on the way users engage with a product. They prioritize user journeys and interface components. They need to really understand how users behave and need to create that are interactions instinctive and appealing.

Entry-level UX Researcher

If you're fascinated by learning about users' habits and choices, starting as a UX researcher could be great for you. Your job would involve asking users questions, carrying out surveys, and testing how usable design is.

Junior Product Design Job

Junior product designers help shape a product's look and how it works. They often work with other teams to make sure the product matches the company's aims and what users want.

How To Increase the Odds of Getting Hired as a UX Designer

  • Build a Solid Foundation: To start your journey in UX design, you need a good understanding of design basics, how users think, and standard design tools. Start off by taking some UX design courses that cover the essentials. Make sure you understand key areas like user-focused design, structuring information, and how to make things user-friendly. This solid start sets you up for the rest of your UX design journey.

  • Master Skills: Getting better at UX design is a continuous journey. You need to focus on key skills like using design tools, creating prototypes, understanding users, and testing for user-friendliness. Keep improving and adding new skills to keep up with trends and stay competitive.

  • Put Your Knowledge into Practice: Knowing the theory isn't enough to become a great UX designer. You need to put what you've learnt into action by working on practical projects, both by yourself and with others. Try to tackle real-world problems - design user profiles, create interfaces, and get feedback. Doing this will not only increase your portfolio but also make you understand how to handle difficulties in UX design work.

  • Find a Mentor: Getting advice from a seasoned UX designer can really speed up your learning process. A mentor can offer helpful advice, critiques, and insider tips that can be crucial in understanding the world of UX design. You can find mentors within your own contacts, online groups, or professional groups - they can guide you because they've been in your shoes before.

  • Expand Your Network: Networking is a powerful tool in the job search process. Attend industry events, conferences, and local meetups to connect with professionals in the UX design field. Engage in online forums, participate in discussions, and build relationships with fellow designers. A robust professional network not only opens doors to potential job opportunities but also fosters a supportive community for learning and collaboration.

  • Upskill Always: The field of UX design is dynamic, with constant advancements in technology and methodologies. Stay proactive by consistently upskilling and staying informed about the latest trends. Take advanced courses, attend workshops, and explore emerging technologies to remain at the forefront of the industry. Employers value candidates who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and staying relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of UX design.

  • Apply for Jobs Confidently: Confidence is key when entering the job market. Showcase your skills and achievements with conviction in your resume, portfolio, and cover letter. Clearly communicate your value proposition and how your unique skills align with the needs of the employer. Prepare for interviews by practicing common UX design interview questions and scenarios. Approach job applications with a positive mindset, emphasizing your passion for UX design and eagerness to contribute to the field.


Starting a career in UI UX design with no prior experience might seem tough, but it's definitely doable if you're committed and strategic. You can make yourself a strong job candidate by taking UX design classes, creating a compelling portfolio, meeting new people in the field, and getting practical experience. Don't worry if you don't have formal education or prior experience in this field. Your unique skills, love for design, and creative thinking are all valuable. Although this journey can be tough, at the end of it, you'll find a rewarding career where you can craft digital experiences that users appreciate.

How to Become a UX Designer With No Experience in 2024 Today

You want to become a UX designer or UI designer without design degree or UX design experience to land a job? You can get hired!

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